15 May 2014

Prague @ Czech Republic: A Charming & A Spectacular Place!

This blogging shall go back in time to Summer 2012. lol~ wtf~ 

This is the view of Charles Bridge from a boat ride. 

Overlooking St. Vitus from afar (left side). On our way to Charles Bridge.

Chance upon a midget Labrador on the bridge itself. lol~ wtf~
St. John of Nepomuk was thrown down below this Charles Bridge by the King for false accusation.
Soon, 5 stars appeared around his head to symbolise that he was innocent.

Anyway, rubbing on the statue is believed to bring u good luck and to bring u back to Prague!:D
One of the 30 statues of the Saint on Charles Bridge

One of the boats on the Vltava River.
Karluv Most it says.
Us on the cobbled stone road

My family & I went to Prague for a European holiday! 

When we were at Prague, we started our journey by taking the Royal Walk from Karluv Most (Charles Bridge) in order to get to Prazsky hrad (Prague Castle). 

Karluv in Czech language    = Charles in English
Most in Czech language      = Bridge in English
Prazsky in Czech language = Prague in English
hrad in Czech language       = Castle in English

Because it's too amazinggg...believe me, it's super crowded with tourists and pickpockets (that was what I've read from reviews, lucky me, nothing happens to us while we were there) too! So beware!

We made our journey through the cobbled stones road, just like the royal family who once took. :D 

The places of interest were packed with a lot of tourists as they were attraction sites for the tourists! Along the walkway, if one felt hungry, one could just stop by the restaurants for a meal or a drink. ;) 

As for us, we stopped by the USchnellu Restaurant for lunch! The food there was great! 

Me with the English version food menu
Homemade Roasted Sausage with French Fries & Mustard...looks simple & yummm! 
It came with the homemade cake
USchnellu Restaurant at Karluv Most vicinity
After that, we made our journey to walk up to the castle ground by following the signboard. We took the ones with lots of staircase before reaching the castle complex. One could see the view of Petrin Hill & the Observation Tower from the castle ground. It was really lovely! 
There was this scenic Prague view too. (i love this scenic view as I've always seen this from the movies but now I get to capture it with my very own eyes!) 

The whole castle area is actually made up of a complex, which it is NOT a castle on its own, like many other castles in the world. It consisted of a few buildings which made it a complex. So, don't be confused by the name "castle". The building doesn't really look like a castle too. hehe.. 

One may need to enter the complex first to buy the entrance ticket to all other buildings. Before that, one would be able to see the humongous charming, magnificent St. Vitus building after going through a short tunnel (looks a bit like the twin tower from afar)! And if one is lucky enough and the time is right, you'll be able to watch the castle's change of guards. 

There were a few types of tickets for the entrance which came with a selected entrances for the castle complex buildings. 

We purchased the ones which allowed 4 entrances: Old Royal Palace, St. George Basilica, Golden Lane and St. Vitus Cathedral. 
Do not spend too much time at a place, especially when you're there in the afternoon, as we realised that we did not have enough time to spend for the last entrance as it was about to close! wtf~ 
This made me think back on those times when I was sitting for my exam papers in school, if I were to dilly-dally on the front questions, I'll end up no time concentrating answering the last few questions, even though they were the simplest questions of them all! LOL~

Display case for the Crown Jewel of Bohemia @ Old Royal Palace

St. Vitus Cathedral  
(only half building cause it was too hugeee to capture its whole size, LMAO!)
St. George Basilica
The Golden Lane
As for me, it was too much to see and did not have much time to discover more! 
Mainly, we were busy observing the architectural design on the walls, murals and etc. It was really impressive!
After finishing touring the castle complex, while exiting our way, we got to see another spectacular view, the Prague's bridges on Vltava River & Charles Bridge too. So, I suggest you to zoom in with your camera and wowwww, Breathtaking! 
We had a walk at the Garden on the Ramparts too. Very greenery & refreshing! :)

Take 01: The breathtaking view!
Take 02: The another breathtaking view!
All in all, I love to see all of the pre-war, olden-days buildings which were nicely architectured in Prague actually! 
I wouldn't grow tired from looking at all these buildings. Nothing to complain and there are definitely a lot of great things to do and see here because I love Prague (in general, I kinda love Europe!). Next mission, I hope I would be able to step foot to America, one fine day!! ;-)

On a boat ride to cross under the magnificent Charles Bridge.
White Hoodie from Adidas
Polarized Aviator Shades from Ray-Ban
To end this blog for the night, I heart Prague (overlooking St. Vitus Cathedral)! XD

Check out this site for their admission rates:

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