29 June 2014

Cooking with Jackie Recipe: Hainanese Chicken Rice via Rice Cooker

Well, I assume cooking is like doing laboratory work. LOL~
Just that cooking is messier than laboratory work. I don't cook. I just cook for the fun of it or to challenge myself?? ;)
Let me share with you on my 2014 project Cooking with Jackie Recipe. :P
I got inspired by my friend who tried cooking this while she's working in a rural area in the state of Sarawak. 
Anyway, I fancy how easy it is to only use a rice cooker (like a magic pot) to do all the dishes. So, no big fuss or whatsoever! wtf~ haha~

Ok, so here's the simple steps:

If your chicken is frozen, bring it out from the refrigerator to thaw it first.
This dishes need a lot of minced garlic and ginger. No exact of how many cloves you may need.
Mix 2 tablespoonful of sesame oil, 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 tablespoonful of light soy sauce into the pot with minced garlic and ginger.
Let it sit in for 10- 15 min. (this is according to my own style)
Prepare 2 cups of rice.
Wash and rinse it until you may think that the rice is good to be cooked (as usual...you know how to wash a pot of rice in general, right? I observed my mom do the washing when I was in primary school. But never done it until it's necessary :P)
Don't add to much water for this (so, reduce a bit of the water level), cause chicken fats may add additional water to the rice.
Place pandan leaves into the rice cooker and cut some ginger and add onto the rice.
Next, slowly place the seasoned chicken above the rice inside the rice cooker.
Then, press down the rice cooker button to cook it.
Your rice and chicken will be ready to eat when the button pops up.
 Additionally, for Hainanese style, you may need to prepare the ginger juice by mincing or chopping up more of the ginger and mixed with a bit of minced garlic. Squeeze 2- 3 lime juice into the mixed ginger & garlic.
As for the red chilli sauce, mince the red chilli up (3-4 red chilli, according to you) and add in a bit of minced garlic. Squeeze 3-4 lime juice to mix it. Lastly, add 1 - 2 teaspoonful of sugar to taste. 

My chicken may look a bit brownish rather than whitish in colour as I'm using a rice cooker to cook this at one shot. Usually, the whole chicken is blanched in a pot of boiling water separately.
Anyway, it smells really great (I'm not going to lie) :P. I guess it's because of the sesame oil.
Decorate with some cut of spring onions.
Your homemade Hainanese Chicken Rice is ready to be served.
My mom said not salty enough. I guess too salty is not good either. It can give you hypertension. But you could actually serve with dark sweet soy sauce together to mix in your rice.
I will just stick to my limey red chilli juice sauce, it really gives nice taste to everything. :)

Aerial look of my homemade chicken rice.

My mom is my first customer. This is her rating (at knife point~ wtf~lol~ kidding...the plate above is for her...she ate it all cleanly...so, I guess it's nice and that she was hungry too.).
I am my own second customer and my dad was the third customer.  

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