01 August 2016

Cooking with Jackie: Four Herbs Soup

Recently I was so enthused into drinking soup. So, I saw this packets of herbal soup at the corner of the supermarket section. I took one to try it out since the herbal ingredients are all packed n ready to be boiled.
I got this brand and tried boiling the herbal soup out, by Yew Chian Haw Four Herbs Soup.
Though I didn't manage to capture all the 4 ingredients packed inside it. Was too lazy though. Haha~
But here's what I could roughly recall after Google-ing. 1) Solomon's Seal Rhizome (Polygonatum) :the white colour stick known to nourishes lung, stomach Yin, moisten cough dryness 2) Red Goji berries 3) Dong Guai (female ginseng): relieve stomach cramp during menstrual cycle and have regular cycle 4) Black chinese Tamarind thus gave the blacky colour soup

First, measure an estimation of 3 litres of water and pour into a big pot.
Boil the water until it is boiling.
Cut off the packet and pour out the ingredients into the boiling water.
Wait until the water boils again. while you prepare the chicken meat. I used 2 pieces of chicken wings and 2 pieces of chicken drumsticks.
After the mixture of water and ingredients are all boiling, put in the chicken meat and wait for it to boil in which it would take roughly less than 10 min.
Then, lower the flame and simmer the soup for ~30 min to 45 min.
Add in some salt to taste.
The soup is ready whenever the chicken meat is soft enough to be eaten.

Tadaaaa, the soup is ready!
This four herbs soup claims to be able to improve immune system after drinking it often.
IMO, it was indeed delicious (yummmz), nourishing and appetising. I definitely would go buy it again. One packet of simple and easy to boil herbal soup costed only RM5.


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