20 February 2014

Baskin32Robbins: My Ice Cream Flavours Adventure :P

Hi, boys & girls, welcome to my Baskin32Robbins ice cream flavours collection in an adventurous way, by tasting different types of flavours.
I've read quite a number of blogs which I've never come across people blogging about ice cream collection. So, I guess I might be the first unique blog to do so. ;)
Anyway, I really love eating ice creams from Baskin32Robbins. I do not know why I particularly love this brand so much compared to Häagen-Dazs or other reputable brands, but I just got hooked on this brand ever since younger, around Standard 5.
From this flavours collection, I'll be able to tell which type of ice cream flavours I've tried before and which flavours I've consistently having it every now and then. Well, join me here to know more ya. ^.^

Btw, If I do go for an ice- cream adventure, I'll practically pick a Wednesday. That's because every Wednesday is a Pink Day. So, for a junior scoop of Baskin32Robbins ice-cream you chose on a Wednesday, you'll get another junior scoop for free. Practically, it's called a Double Jr. Scoop. Therefore, you'll actually get to try two flavours at one go. How does this sound? Great right? Wheeeee~
Eating ice-cream makes me happy like a small kid! :P

Top flavour: Raspberry Cheese Louie, 
Bottom Flavour: LovePotion#31
When you're thinking about ice-cream, just go out to buy so that you can eat the ice-cream!
31% on 31st of every mth! Half pint.

*Flavour: Strawberry Cheesecake
I will never fail to have my Baskin32Robbins even in Hyderabad, India :P
But there isn't Pink Day apparently.
Flavour: Hot Scotch Butterscotch
Chillin' out Day cause I've been Berry-nized! 
Top Flavour: #flavour #veryberrystrawberry Bottom Flavour: #blueberrypannacota
Chillin' out no matter what and that's my icy cream life~~
Top Flavour: #flavour #pomaswirl #pomegranate Bottom Flavour: #raspberrycheeselouise
Sweet tooth for the tired soul....
Top Flavour: Mango Yogurt
Bottom Flavour: Red Velvet Cake 

Self-created happiness! With the sweety & sourish taste, to combo up my life

Top Flavour: #redvelvet #sweety Bottom Flavour: #blueberrysherbet #sourish
Overall, I think I always go for Red Velvet or Raspberry Cheese Louie...I think I like the lil' cheese filling as If I'm a mousie :P Lately, I just discovered that the Blueberry Sherbet which was sourish in taste was quite nice too. However, the blue colouring is very intense and beware, you'll end up having a blue tongue. ♪I'm blue, da be dee da be die...♪LOL!
I would actually recommend one to go for a scoop of sweetness and another scoop of sourish so that you won't end up being intoxicated by sweetness. teehee! :)

So, Happy tasting Baskin32Robbins!

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